Today’s Post

Planning For Your Success

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 23rd, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

Good morning, superstar prospectors and hard-working businesspeople! This is it--we've come to another incredible day and so many more opportunities for yourself and your business. Are you excited about where your business is so far this year? If the answer is 'no', AND if you could go back and start the year over, what is [...]

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A Simple Choice

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 18th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

An outstanding morning to all of you powerful lead generators, dynamic salespeople, and to all of you ONiT System members! I have to believe that you are 100% committed to staying on track, on schedule, and on target with your goals for the month as well as the year. Be sure you take time as [...]

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Urgency Beats Motivation

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 12th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

Good morning, super-lead generators, dedicated businesspeople, and all of you ONiT System members! As I'm guessing you already know, today is by far one of the strongest days of the week to find motivated leads, qualified appointments, and people to add to your database ... your part is just to get in the game! Last [...]

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Get Engaged

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 10th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

A powerful morning to all of you enthusiastic prospectors, motivated businesspeople, and to all of you ONiT System members! With the spring market in full swing this is YOUR time to push ahead and set up the rest of your year with authority! Don't let a single day pass you by. How about today we [...]

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Did You Say What I Think You Said?

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 6th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

A fantastic day to all of you committed lead generators, dedicated businesspeople, and ONiT System members! As I'm sure you've figured out by now, there really is no better day than TODAY to come in with a positive, enthusiastic attitude, decide to work hard, and do what you do best--which is to get in front [...]

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Closing: It’s All About The Question

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00May 3rd, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

Close. As in, ‘close for the sale’. One of the definitions of this word is, 'to enter into or come to an agreement'. When you're prospecting, following up, or presenting, how can you come to an agreement if you're not asking the other person questions? So many agents I roleplay with approach these situations by [...]

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Prepare To Be Lucky

2018-04-18T15:39:15+00:00April 29th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

A great morning to all of you energetic lead generators, forward-thinking businesspeople, and to all of you ONiT System members! It’s been said that luck is when preparation meets opportunity … I’m going to assume that all of you have been preparing as well as you possibly can and that you are committed to actively [...]

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You ARE The Magic Pill

2016-04-27T07:03:58+00:00April 27th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

Good morning, powerful prospectors, big-thinking businesspeople, and all of you dynamic ONiT System members! Another incredible opportunity is coming at you in real time today …  Here's a question to think about: What plans, what commitments, what goals, and what dreams are you focusing on accomplishing with the opportunity that is before you? I find [...]

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Believe It Or Not

2016-04-22T09:57:17+00:00April 22nd, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

Good morning, productive prospectors, motivated businesspeople, and to all of you ONiT System members! There has never been a day with more potential for great conversations, solid appointments to be set, and salable listings to be taken … do you believe this? Remember, all accomplishment must first start with the belief that it is possible [...]

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Powerful Presenting Pays

2016-04-20T09:46:15+00:00April 20th, 2016|make today count, Today's Post|

An outstanding morning to all of you committed lead generators, energetic businesspeople, and to all of you who a part of the ONiT System! I want to remind you of something that I first heard well over 20 years ago and is still absolutely valid today: the fact is that if someone else is doing [...]

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I got into the real estate business directly after college… in a market 1500 miles away from where I grew up! After selling 45 homes that first year in real estate as a 21 year old kid, I spent another few years building my business and then made the decision that I loved speaking and coaching even more than I did actively selling.. Since 1997 I have been a full time trainer and one on one coach. 4 of those years were spent working for my mentor Mike Ferry either on stage leading audiences or in the trenches getting it done with agents just like you!

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a customized approach from someone who has spent nearly two decades helping agents make significant positive change in their businesses, then you have come to the right place. I’m ready to help you make today count… are you?
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