Make Today Count2018-04-18T15:39:14+00:00

Who Wins When You Do?

A terrific morning to all of you super-prospectors and incredibly focused businesspeople!

It’s hard to believe, but another month has begun …which means you have an absolutely FANTASTIC opportunity to set one, two, or more great appointments today and throughout the next several weeks. IF you do your job, that is. And IF you do it with passion, commitment, and energy!

Recently […]


A great day to all of you focused businesspeople and dynamic salespeople! It’s always worth remembering that there is NO better day than today to be out in your marketplace looking for new business, listing salable properties, and putting sellers and buyers together … and as always we have to choose to be a part of what’s happening.

One of the […]

Keys To The Future

An outstanding morning to all of you committed prospectors and dedicated businesspeople! I want you to know that there are ~hundreds~ of opportunities today in YOUR marketplace to list property, sell property, and put transactions together … it’s all about what you’re focusing on and what you’re working toward. Be sure to fix your mind and your efforts on finding […]

Focus On ‘L’

An excellent day to all of you great lead generators and businesspeople! I trust that you have been working hard to have a strong finish to each and every day this month … and getting prepped for equally powerful weeks and months ahead!

As I have been reflecting on many of the conversations I’ve had with productive agents recently, there is […]


Good morning and welcome to your day, all of you motivated salespeople and focused businesspeople! As you probably know, there is no better day than today to get focused, talk with as many people as possible, and close powerfully for appointments! But, you have to be willing to get in and STAY in the game if you want a chance […]


I got into the real estate business directly after college… in a market 1500 miles away from where I grew up! After selling 45 homes that first year in real estate as a 21 year old kid, I spent another few years building my business and then made the decision that I loved speaking and coaching even more than I did actively selling.. Since 1997 I have been a full time trainer and one on one coach. 4 of those years were spent working for my mentor Mike Ferry either on stage leading audiences or in the trenches getting it done with agents just like you!

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a customized approach from someone who has spent nearly two decades helping agents make significant positive change in their businesses, then you have come to the right place. I’m ready to help you make today count… are you?
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