An exceptional morning to each and every one of you focused businesspeople and dynamic salespeople! Multiple chances to make great things happen in your both your business and your life abound today … what is YOUR plan to seize as many of them as you can?

Just the other day we looked at the ‘fruit’ that comes as a results of hitting our goals. We have to remember that reaching the goals is just the first stage of success … we likened this to the flower blossoms that bud on a well-nourished tree. Our REAL desire is not just to say that we’ve sold xx houses in a calendar year, listed xx properties in a month’s time, or even generated a certain amount of income for the year. The ~ultimate~ end comes when we experience the enjoyment of those rewards once we have hit our targets.

This brings up another point for us to consider… In life we can’t have incredible fruit without a well-fed root. When we look at what goes into producing outstanding results, we cannot OVER look the importance of what they are drawing upon! What kinds of things are you reading, watching, and listening to that are making it more likely that you’ll meet your goals?

Imagine our home environment for a moment … if there was a source of poison gas just outside of our windows, or a tiny stream of toxic waste creeping into the water supply how would we feel about that? Have we made the connection that if we are so careful to guard what goes into our bodies, why are we often so careless when it comes to our mental roots? What ARE our mental roots digging into? What kind of soil have they been planted in and what sort of ‘nutrients’ are they pulling into our lives from the world around us that we’re connected to?

If we routinely surround ourselves with chaos and distraction, can we hope to reap anything other than incomplete work, confusion, and mediocre production? If we absorb 100% of the drama that we are exposed to, can we expect to operate in the state of mind that is needed to be powerful on the phones and compelling in our presentations?

Beware of the dead soil, toxic air, and contaminated water that can easily invade our space and our thinking. If your goal is to harvest some amazing rewards for you and your family this year it is vital that you do a ‘root check’ on a daily basis. There may come a time when we have to replant ourselves in a healthier environment to produce the results we’ve committed to.

Consider this as you go out and make today count!

(Photo courtesy of