A stellar morning to all of you incredible real estate salespeople and businesspeople! There is always something exciting about the start of the day, when all of the opportunities are still in front of you, and you’re getting geared up for ‘deal mode’. I hope that all of you who are reading this will stay committed to the plan that you have for yourself and your business and take advantage of ALL of those opportunities that lie ahead with your name on them!

I was thinking about all of the amazing sources of information that are available for someone in this business who wants to learn how to do well. There is no lack of knowledge for those who are willing to put in the time to find it and study it. In many cases the learning is the easy part … application of the information you learn is the tough part.

A great equation for all of us to remember is Knowledge + Faith = Results. Looks simple enough when you read it on the page, but most of the time the problem comes in when we forget that the word ‘faith’ is a verb! What makes our equation a bit sneaky is that this single word ‘faith’ contains 2 components—belief AND action. So if we remember back to high school math, we really have to expand our little formula to read Knowledge + Belief + ACTION = Results.

You must have the right information about what actually works … you need to believe wholeheartedly in the process … AND you have to actually DO something with what you know. Ahh, there’s that stumbling block of follow through again. Are there any parts of your business that you know exactly what you should do to improve … you even believe without a doubt that it would work, but you just haven’t quite gotten around to acting upon it yet? Make a list—then pick just ONE that you’ll commit to taking that all-important action on this week.

You want to results that are promised at the end of the equation, right? Well—like all other truths of life, you can’t have the one without the other. Get the information you need, work on your level of trust that the information will work, and then stop allowing excuses to keep you from acting upon it. Your future is waiting … get out there and make today count!

(Photo courtesy of wallpaperup.com)