An excellent morning to all of you devoted salespeople and professional businesspeople! Today is YOUR day … a day when you can take many steps to bring yourself closer to your goals. They key to actually doing this is that you have to know what your goals ARE! It’s also critical that you are able to distinguish that particular path that is going to take you in the right direction from the multitude of paths that will lead you anywhere BUT where you say you want to go. It’s a crazy world out there … be sure you’re plugged into a source that can help you meet with success!

One of the things that I mentioned in my last blog was that there is ‘3-fold cord’ that will help make this happen. The 3 elements that make up that cord are clear goals, a solid plan, and an airtight schedule that you actually follow. It’s always good to take a closer look at the plan—the ‘how’ part of the recipe. HOW are you going to get what you say you want out of the next 3 months … 6 months, or 1 year of your business?

Let’s say, for example, you would like to sell 50 homes in the next year. You might break that down into selling 35 listings and putting 15 buyers into a home. From there you might put your focus onto the 35 sold listings and decide that if you actually listed 45 homes you would easily be able to get at least 35 of them sold and closed. Fair enough. What will it take to list 45 good, well-priced properties? Well, depending on what your actual closing ratio on presentations is (AND deciding realistically how many of them will be ‘gimmes’ like past clients or direct referrals), you might decide to focus on creating 60 presentations for yourself.

One thing that we often forget is that, for most of us anyway, we’re probably not going to work a full 52 weeks/12 months in the next year. What if you set up your plan to only work about 10 ½ months or 45 full weeks? So now, to go on 60 presentations you’re looking at about 6 per month, or 1.3 per week. What this would mean is that every week you’re on 1 solid, qualified listing appointment and some weeks you go on 2. Pretty simple right?

So for today, let’s just leave it that you boil your 1 year goal to sell 50 homes down into a commitment that will CONSISTENTLY put you in front of at least 1 motivated, qualified seller per week (or more if your goal is bigger than 50 sales in the next year). We can and will talk in coming days about how to make that actually happen … in the meantime, just get out there and make today count!

(Photo courtesy of