A fantastic day to all of you highly skilled salespeople and fully committed businesspeople! When it comes right down to it, today is absolutely one of the BEST days for all of you to get focused, get excited, and get more business. Can you think of one valid reason why today cannot become the best day you’ve had all week … month … this year? What are you willing to invest to give yourself a genuine chance at making that happen?

One of the things we know about water is that when given the chance, it always tends to seek the lowest level it can. It is always looking to settle down, get comfortable … and grow stagnant. Now, let’s think about something: What percentage of our physical bodies are made up of water? The accepted amount ranges from 60-70%–a pretty substantial amount any way you slice it. So the truth is, our natural instinct can often be to gravitate toward comfort, to just do enough to get by, in other words … we must fight a constant battle against complacency. Think about how easy it can be to get to the point where you have 6-8 good listings and you start to feel good about yourself and your position? Maybe for some of you, this inclination toward ‘settling’ doesn’t begin until you’ve reached 20 listings … or even 30—but it’s there, it’s a built-in part of our humanity.

The good news is that in spite of the tendencies that our physical bodies might have, we have a soul—a deeper level of existence that we might call the ‘real us’. If we feed our souls the right things and find ways to keep our core inspired, we will always find ways to rise up against that internal pull to settle like a pool of water.

Have you identified your ‘settling points’ yet? Do you know that level of inventory, income, or overall production that will make you begin to not push so hard anymore? As we’re working to grow our business and to achieve the goals we’ve set, it’s so important that we first of all recognize our natural tendencies. Secondly, it’s vital that we make the decision NOT to allow ourselves to seek the lowest level … to find new things and new ways to buoy ourselves up toward the success we’ve said that we want.

Whenever I work with a client, one of my key goals is to find ways to keep them thinking about how far they’ve said they want to go and tap into tools that will keep them inspired … if not, it won’t be long before the flow of their energy begins to trickle like so much water until those goals and dreams end up swirling right down the drain.

Let’s commit right now to making today count!

(Photo courtesy of vincentstlouis.com)