Another fantastic day to all of you motivated businesspeople, compelling salespeople, and dedicated prospectors! There is nothing more exciting than to realize the potential for greatness that lies before us as we begin each day … I hope and trust that you are prepared to do YOUR part, to work hard, to stay focused, and to reap as much of the harvest as possible today.

In my last conversation with you I (hopefully) made the point that the steps to a more successful, productive business does not ~have~ to be complicated. Oh, we’re all really good at complicating the process—myself included! And yet, when it comes right down to it, the things that are required to get to where we say we want to be are anything but rocket science … it’s just that little nagging issue of taking action and DOING them!

Sometimes the most inhibitive word to taking action is the word, ‘but’. So often this word is followed by a limiting belief, a negative affirmation, or just a dirty little excuse. Check out these examples:

But, I have to check my emails before I can start my calls.

But, what if no one is home?

But, I don’t think that I can be away from my phone for that long.

But don’t I have to check the Do Not Call list first before I call anyone?

But my deal is looking a little shaky so I need to take care of that first.

Any (or all) of these sound familiar? All seemingly legitimate … and all guaranteed to muck up the process and keep one from their potential. Listen, when you follow your schedule and spend your morning doing those four things that we looked at last time, you will have the solution to any and all of the ‘buts’. Why? Because when you consistently spend your time on focused, skillful lead generation, follow up, and listing property you will ALWAYS have plenty of choices … and you will always have cash flow. In this business if you have multiple options and you’re closing deals every month you can afford to have standards, and you can afford the help you need to handle the details. Period.

Following your schedule allows you to follow your schedule … capiche? If your schedule contains the essential productive activities that it should, you are going to list property, sell homes, and make money, which I can only assume is your goal! By continually generating lots of choices and options, you have the ‘luxury’ of being able to set and maintain higher standards … because you’re not living in fear of loss. So, although there are things that COULD come in and interrupt your routine, you choose NOT to let them do that (without anxiety I might add) and instead stay in your ritual … which only produces ~more~ choice, options, appointments, deals, and income. This is a positive business flow cycle … action begetting positive results—which creates the freedom and space to take more action … that generates more positive results … and around and round it goes.

So, are there reasons why you might not be able to follow your schedule today? Sure! Have you truly made the effort to deal with those things outside of the morning routine? Well … For all of the other things that are really just excuses and limiting beliefs, kick those ‘buts’ out of your thinking and just trust that if you stick to the basics every day you are going to succeed wildly. No buts about it …

Go make today count!

(Photo courtesy of