Good morning, powerful salespeople and businesspeople! It’s time once again to dig in, get excited, and focus on taking specific steps that will put you on (and KEEP you on) track to reach the goals you’ve set. What are those steps that you are committed to doing today to make this happen and how quickly do you want to see results?

I was talking with a client recently and they were sharing with me several thoughts that they often found themselves pondering. Things like, ‘I’m not sure that I can duplicate my production from this year NEXT year’ and ‘I probably shouldn’t set such high goals because I don’t want to be disappointed if I don’t hit them’.

The problem with these types of thoughts is NOT that they exist … it’s that we allow them to remain in our minds as tenants and the longer they stay there the more validation we tend to give them. What needs to happen is that as soon as we realize that we’ve been thinking about these things or starting to treat these thoughts as true, we have to write them down in our journal. They need to be brought out into the light and exposed for what they are—lies. It’s time to Evict, then Convict!

Once we write them down in our journal, the next step is to begin to write down all the reasons WHY we know that these fears, concerns, and untruths are not valid. Compile the evidence … put it in writing … and have it ready to use the moment that this thought begins to creep into your thoughts again. Convict these mental hijackers of treason based on their lack of evidence and then banish them from the kingdom of your mind!

So let’s review: a negative thought, fear, or negative affirmation comes into our head … “Maybe I should re-think my goals—I don’t know if I should call those people because they’ll probably get mad at me—I should probably stay away from that price point because I don’t have a track record there, etc.” Immediately, get out your journal and write down what you were just thinking. Then, make a list of as many reasons as you can think of (or contact your coach for help!) why that is not true or valid or even to be entertained any longer. Repeat those reasons several times and turn them into positive affirmations that you’ll begin using the following day. Refuse to allow them a shred of validation and certainly don’t allow them entrance into your thought-life any more.

The reality is that there is very little in this business, and in this life, that we can control. ONE area that we DO have a great deal of control over, however, is our thinking. Let’s not allow uninvited thoughts, disruptive ‘mind tenants’, or outright lies to dictate our mindset or our actions. You can do better than that!

Get out there and make today count …

(Photo courtesy of