Good morning, top prospectors and dynamic businesspeople! Here’s to a highly exciting, highly productive day in your business!

You might say, so what? Why are you so excited about this particular day, James—after all we’re in an industry where we work every day, at least all the ones that end in ‘y’! For some agents that might be true, but I KNOW that all of you successful real estate professionals have set up your business to be able to take at least ~one~ full day off, right? We can only go 100%, full out for just so long before we get physically and mentally burned out so taking time off is something that we don’t often talk about, but nevertheless is a critical part of being able to sustain long-term growth.

So two things that I wanted to share today … One: a reminder to look at your schedule for the next couple of months and make sure that you know when you’re GOING TO work, and when you’re NOT going to work. You need to plan this out so you can look forward to your days off, and turn it on full blast on the days you have committed to working. When was the last time you took a planned day off … guilt free?

Secondly, we not only need to plan full days off, but I also regularly encourage my clients to take a couple of planned ‘pit stops’ throughout the day. If you’re a fan of auto racing you know that every team plans out when they are going to purposely step out of the race to refuel, get fresh tires, and make adjustments. Even if they’re leading the pack they understand that if they don’t make a pit stop they’re going to run out of fuel or crash because their tires are worn bare. How many days have there been this year when you’ve run out of fuel or ‘crashed’ from the amount of pressure you were under or the intensity of what you were doing?

You need to plan one or two short, 15-20 minute breaks to listen to/watch something inspirational, read a chapter or two of a great book, write out or at least read over your goals, visualize where you’re going, or even do some journaling. TRUST ME, you can afford the time and it will recharge you for the next several hours. What time today will you commit to doing this?

We spend most of our time thinking about how we can push harder, go further, and accomplish more—but if you don’t maintain a strong mindset and a level of excitement about the process how far are you really going to go before you fizzle out? Real estate shouldn’t BE your life, but it can be the financial catalyst that allows you to design an incredible life for you and your family.

Think about this, and then let’s make today count!

(Photo courtesy of