Good morning, superstar prospectors and businesspeople! We have the privilege of another beautiful day in the real estate business and I trust that you are committed to doing what we talked about before—that is ‘cashing in your ticket’ on ALL of the opportunities that this business affords you!

In addition to the word ‘opportunity’ want to talk about another word today … the word ‘urgency’. What specifically is creating a high level of urgency for you right now? If you wanted to make today, or even all of next week, the most focused, productive, and intense time of the year so far what would you have to ~remove~ from your schedule or your thinking?

You might ask, “what do you mean REMOVE from my thinking, James?” Check this out: for most of us, there is so much dross in our day and in our thought life. If you don’t know what I mean by that, ‘dross’ is the scum that forms on the surface of metal while it is being heated. It is all waste … it’s all the impurities that are being forced out of the metal to make it pure. A goldsmith would refine their pot over the fire until they could see their face in the surface.

What would a pure day look like for you? How many solid leads, qualified appointments, and/or new transactions would rise to the surface if you lit a fire under yourself today? With a higher level of urgency and intensity, could 30 minutes of wasted time be skimmed off the surface of your day and used for more lead follow up? How about an hour … two hours?

It is SO darned easy to have life’s junk fall into our pot of gold and ruin the value and the purity of what we’re trying to do day in and day out. Let’s turn the heat up on our business right now! No more excuses … no more delays … no more dabbling. It’s all about getting the flame higher—so go get some more goals, more dreams, and more commitments to stoke those flames and as a result of you being more excited about each day, the nasty dross that is hiding in your routines is going to become more and more obvious as it bubbles up out of your schedule.

Hey-you only get one shot at each day … I’m encouraging you to get serious, get urgent, and get out there and make today count!